All the Senate Republicans voted against the final House & Senate redistricting plan. The 61 House Republicans voted 38-to-20 against it, with 3 not voting. The 59 Democrats voted 52-to-6 for it, with 1 not voting. So it passed 72-to-44. Here's the official tally for the NC House, from the NC General Assembly web site: That page doesn't show party affiliation, but you can check it here: Of the 61 House Republicans, these 20 voted "Yes" for the final Democrat/Morgan redistricting plan, including the Senate plan which every Republican in the NC Senate had already voted against: Rex Baker (King) Bobby Barbee (Locust) Jeff Barnhart (Concord) Harold Brubaker (Asheboro) Debbie Clary (Cherryville) Bill Daughtridge (Rocky Mount) Mike Decker (Walkertown) Rick Eddins (Raleigh) Mitch Gillespie (Marion) Carolyn Justus (Henderson) Joe Kiser (Vale) Stephen LaRoque (Kinston) Daniel McComas (Wilmington) Richard Morgan (Eagle Springs) Louis Pate (Mt. Olive) John Sauls (Sanford) Tracy Walker (Wilkesboro) Roger West (Marble) Keith Williams (Hubert) Gene Wilson (Boone) These 3 Republican Representatives did not vote: Rayfield (not voting) Miner (absent) Stiller* (absent) One of the three, David Miner, would have voted "Yes" if he had been there; he was attending a national meeting of state legislative leaders in Miami, which had been arranged months earlier. (confirmation here) The remaining 38 Republicans voted "No," against the Democrat/ Morgan redistricting plan: Allred* Blackwood* Blust Bowie* Capps Creech Culp Daughtry Dockham Ellis Frye Gorman Grady* Gulley Hilton* Holmes Howard* Johnson, Linda Justice Lewis* McCombs McGee* McHenry McMahan Mitchell Moore* Munford Preston Ray* Rhodes Setzer* Sexton Sherrill Stam Starnes Walend Wilson, Connie Wood* * Members indicated with an asterisk voted "Aye" on 11/24/2003 for the House plan alone, but did not vote for the final bill the next day.