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Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 16:15:48 -0500
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Thread-Topic: fact-checking
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From: "Susan Phillips (Rep. Miner)" <>
To: "David Burton" <>
Subject: RE: fact-checking

Hi David--Hope you're doing well.  Good to hear from you.  Looked at the
web site and I would only add that I had an official excused absence
because I was attending a national meeting of state legislative leaders
in Miami.  This conference had been arranged months ahead of time and I
needed to be there.  That's the only clarification I would add.  Thanks,


Susan D. Phillips
Legislative Assistant

Rep. David Miner's Office
2204 Legislative Bldg.

Voice 733-5934

-----Original Message-----
> From: David Burton []
> Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 1:58 PM
> To: Rep. David Miner
> Subject: fact-checking
> Dear David,
> You are briefly mentioned on my web site about Moore County
> Republican politics.  Would you be kind enough to please
> read what I wrote about you and confirm that I got it right,
> or correct me if I did not?
> Near the middle of the main page:
> is a link entitled
> "How Republican legislators voted on the Democrat/Morgan
> redistricting plan."  It points here:
> You are mentioned near the middle of that page.
> Regards,
> -Dave Burton   <>
> Home: 919-481-0098   Cell: 919-244-3316
> Cary, NC

Note: The relevant portion of that version of the web page read as follows:
   These 3 Republican Representatives did not vote:

     Rayfield (not voting)
     Miner (absent)
     Stiller (absent)

   (One of the three, David Miner, probably would have voted
   "Yes" if he had been there.)

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