- VB Tech Journal
"TLIB is the fastest and most flexible version-control system
on the market."
- Don Wycoff, Software Development Magazine
"...makes PVCS look like it is standing still... I would absolutely,
unreservedly recommend TLIB to any company with more than zero programmers."
- Windows Tech Journal
"The version-control system that I use - and recommend to one
and all"
- Microsoft Systems Journal
"...noticably faster than the other packages... TLIB offers remarkable
functionality... small, fast, and often surprisingly innovative."
- Software Development Magazine
"simple, yet powerful... [TLIB is] the People's Choice"
- PC Techniques Magazine
"...dependable, fast, and full-featured... Don't let the price fool you."
- Datapro
"In terms of both price and feature set, it offers the greatest
version control value on the PC platform."