Members of NCGOP Executive Comm., FYI. This is the resolution we plan to present to the NCGOP Exec. Comm.on 3/20. We're asking all members of the State Exec. Comm. to consider signing. We need 50 signatures of NC Exec. Comm. members, but hope for more. All members of the Dists. 2, 4, & 13 who attended their recent committee mtgs. signed, w/o discussion or questons, just anxious to sign. Note: Since the 3/20/2004 meeting was cancelled, we did it at the 5/23/2004 meeting. -DB I am asking that General Assembly members not sign, (They can vote!!) but they are thrilled that finally, someone is doing something! Also, we hope you'll be sure to attendon 3/20to vote for the resolution. Fwd this to other members of the State Exec. Comm. who might be willing to sign, but remember time is short. If Exec. Comm. members wish to sign, have them print the signature page or type one up W/TITLE, sign, (We must have original signatures, not faxed or emailed.) & mail to me at: 3400 Yelverton Cir. Raleigh , NC 27612 We must have all pages returned to me by 2/20. This is strictly a grassroots effort! Judy Keener 919-787-8890 V. Chair 13th Cong. Dist. for questions/comments email: keeners [at] hotmail [dot] com
From: "Capital Area Republicans" <>
Resolution of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Republican Party
Be it resolved by the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Republican party that,
Whereas Richard Morgan is registered Republican, and
Whereas Richard Morgan is the Co-Speaker of the House of Representatives, and
Whereas Richard Morgan is the Republican leader of the House as defined in Article VI.B.1.d. of the North Carolina Republican Party State Plan of Organization, and,
Whereas Richard Morgan is a Member of the State Executive Committee and State Central Committee pursuant to Article VI.B.1d. and Article VI.C.1.a. of the North Carolina Republican Party State Plan Organization as a result of his position as Co-speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, and
Whereas the Republican Party and the NCGOP State Central and Executive Committees exist, according to the preamble of the NCGOP State Plan of Organization, "for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our efforts for maximum power and efficiency," and
Whereas Richard Morgan has stated publicly his intention as Speaker to defeat his political enemies within the Republican House Caucus, and
Whereas Richard Morgan was intimately involved in the design of the adopted unconstitutional redistricting maps that would likely prevent the Republican Party from obtaining a Republican majority, and
Whereas Richard Morgan has since the adoption of the maps joined in as a plaintiff in legal actions designed and contrived to prevent a Republican majority, and
Whereas Richard Morgan refused to vote for either of the Republican House Caucus nominees for Speaker of the House, and
Whereas Representative George Holmes was the duly endorsed nominee of the House Republican Caucus for Speaker of the North Carolina House, and, Whereas Richard Morgan's activities within the Republican House Caucus directly and substantially contributed to the loss of a solely Republican Speakership of the North Carolina House, and
Whereas Richard Morgan's vote in favor of the House resolution naming himself and Democrat Jim Black as Co-Speakers falls within the meaning of "influencing the outcome of any election against a Republican endorsed by the appropriate Legislative Caucus," and
Whereas Article VII.G. of the NCGOP State Plan of Organization states that "Each officer and each Member of the State Executive Committee shall refrain from utilizing the powers and dignity of his or her office or position in any Republican Primary for public office at any level," and
Whereas Article VII, E.2. states in part "Any registered Republican attempting to influence or influencing the outcome of any election against... a Republican endorsed by the appropriate... Legislative Caucus may be declared ineligible to hold office under the State Plan of Organization at the State, District, and Precinct level for Party disloyalty by 2/3 vote of the State Executive Committee," and
Whereas Article VII.A.7.a. states "Any Member of a Committee organized under this Plan may be removed by a 2/3's vote of the respective Committee...," and
Whereas Richard Morgan was furnished with notice of the charges against him signed by not less than 50 of the Members of State Executive Committee two weeks before this Committee meeting.
Therefore the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Republican Party finds that Richard Morgan's political agenda is different from and injurious to the North Carolina Republican Party, and
Further the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Republican Party finds that Richard Morgan's political agenda and his position on the NCGOP State Executive Committee are in conflict and thus his service on the Executive Committee is therefore grossly inefficient under Article VII.A.7. of the NCGOP State Plan of Organization, and
Further the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Republican Party finds Richard Morgan culpable of disloyalty to the North Carolina Republican Party, and
Further the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Republican Party orders Richard Morgan's immediate removal from the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Republican Party pursuant to Article VII.A.7. of the North Carolina Republican Party State Plan of Organization.
Lastly the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Republican Party declares that Richard Morgan is ineligible to serve in any Office under this Plan of Organization for a period of five years pursuant to Article VII.E.2. of the North Carolina Republican Party.
NAME SIGNATURE ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________