Politics has definitely become more rancorous.
In the past, politics was more conciliatory and we had bipartisan cooperation. Democrats who took or are taking the high road are Lee Hamilton (co-chair of the 9/11 investigation), Sen. Evan Bayh, Sen. Leiberman, Sen. Pat Moynihan, Scoop Jackson, John Breaux and Leon Panetta. Their Republican counterparts are Sen. Fred Thompson, Dick Lugar, Jacob Javits, John McCain, Rep. Chris Shays, Bob Dole and Gov. Frank Keating.
All of the above are reasonable men, not ranters and ravers, who can sit down with each other and work out legislation for the good of the country.
A state government is merely a microcosm of the federal government. Fortunately, we have in North Carolina a man who puts the citizens of North Carolina first and politics second. He mirrors the above individuals who stood and stand head and shoulders above their contemporaries.
Such a man is Richard Morgan. He needs your vote in November. And we need his outstanding leadership and ability to work in a productive manner with his Democratic counterparts.
Vote Richard Morgan!
Monroe Diefendorf