Updated: Apr 16, 2004 |
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Election years invariably bring out the opportunists and the political “wannabes.” A perfect example of this is Peggy Crutchfield. She is the “No” Candidate! She has no experience. No constituency. No platform. No campaign organization. No defining issues. No publicity. No money. She makes no speeches. She just wants to work hard for the people of Moore County. She has no description of what that work entails. She brings no tools to the workshop with which to work effectively. Yet Peggy says she has no ambition. She has challenged the highest-ranking and most respected Republican in North Carolina, none other than Moore County’s own Co-Speaker Richard Morgan. Peggy, your nose is growing! Speaker Morgan has done more and is working harder for the people of Moore County and for Republican candidates than anyone in the state. His constituency is growing; he knows the political landscape. There isn’t a learning curve of ineffectiveness with Richard! Peggy is right about only one thing. She knows that when you bring nothing to the table, your only strategy is to hide your hand. Peggy is Moore’s “no” candidate and deserves no consideration. William Thurman Pinehurst
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