Aug 29, 2003

Report the Truth About Richard Morgan

It is not surprising that Richard Morgan uses half-truths and lies to make personal attacks against his opponents, because Morgan cannot defend his own actions on the issues.

It is disappointing that The Pilot prefers to report Morgan’s personal attacks without any rebuttal rather than report details on real issues.

I and most Republicans across the state oppose Morgan because he joined the Democratic Party legislative coalition to raise the state sales tax and personal income taxes hundreds of millions of dollars in order to fund increased spending for another busted state budget that even Democratic Gov. Mike Easley said is out of balance by $400 Million.

At the same time, Morgan is cutting the budget of North Carolina families through higher taxes and firing the innocent ladies who worked as legislative assistants for the Republican legislators who stood up to him, Morgan gave his own executive assistant a pay increase from $29,000 to $59,000.

Obviously Morgan does not want to defend these actions, and apparently The Pilot does not want to report why Republicans across the state are hoping Moore County voters will throw Morgan and his Democratic Party legislative coalition out of office.

Art Pope


The writer is a former member of the N.C. House of Representatives.

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