Have you ever been caught in a lie while running for President of the United States? If
you want to make a current president jealous, look better in front of
your political buddies who have real foreign relations experience, or
if you are just a liar who got called out on your bogus campaign lies,
this is the auction for you!!! I’ll pretend that I am the leader of a foreign nation that supports your candidacy for President of the United States until the elections in November.
the imaginary leader of a foreign nation who supports your candidacy,
I’ll play along with you with whatever you want me to say. If you want to tell some pesky Republican who calls you out at a campaign stop that I support you, I’ll back you up. If you want me to claim that Bush has ruined the reputation of the United States, I’m up to it. Just
like you, I’m willing to say anything it takes to get you elected, I
won’t mean a bit of it, and I'll change my stand on the situation when
it is politically convenient.
Shipping/Handing charge for this item is $15.00, we only ship to Massachusetts. Payment must be received within 3 days of auction close. We
accept Paypal (Mastercard, Visa, E-Checks), Money Orders, Certified
Checks, or fraudulent donations from Moveon.org in US Funds and Cash. As
soon as I receive your payment I’ll mail off the press release to CNN,
Fox, ABC, NBC, and CBS stating the fact that we have a relationship
going back to the start of the Bush presidency. I am the ultimate online fake leader of a foreign nation!!!!
*****THIS DOES NOT MEAN I AM YOUR REAL SUPPORTER!!!!!This is only pretend!!!!!***** When our time is up, right before the election, I’ll send out another press release stating that this was all fake. Hey,
I’m out for a buck, I’m not insane. But who are we kidding, if flip
flopping on the issues makes a person less trustworthy, you would have
dropped out of the race already.
This is a private auction your user id will not be shown on here!!!!