From: Charles Gregory Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 22:00:38 -0500 Subject: Fwd: Peggy Crutchfield to speak Mar 20 Peggy Crutchfield, you know, is Rep. Richard Morgan's opponent in Republican primary. ----- Original Message ----- From: Will Towne To: Charles Gregory Sent: 3/9/2004 10:11:59 AM Subject: Peggy Crutchfield to speak Mar 20 Charlie, Please advise your friends that Peggy Crutchfield will be our Breakfast Speaker at Triangle West Republican Club on Saturday, March 20th at 9 am, Sheraton Hotel Chapel Hill. Fern Shubert had to take a rain check and we are delighted to introduce Peggy Crutchfield to the Triangle area. Admission: $11. [Great buffet!] Reservations via our web site: The web site still reads Fern Shubert but Peggy is truly our speaker. Will Towne, Program Chair Triangle West Republican Club