Mar 30, 2004
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BOB VETTER: Danger Within: Too Many Judges Following Foreign Laws

The future of the survival of the United States of America is being eroded.

Our world leadership is at stake every day that passes from a new and deadly invasion across our borders. No, the danger is not illegal aliens, but the importing of international laws now being used by our state courts and U.S. Supreme Court to bring about civil change at any price.

The Massachusetts Supreme Court imported a ruling from a Canadian provincial court to justify its 4-3 decision in relationship to same-sex marriages.

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote a majority opinion about the discrimination against homosexuals and the use of sodomy laws based upon the rejection of such laws by the European Court of Human Rights.

In France, the rights of any U.S. citizen to disagree with the moral acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle have been taken away because its courts have so ruled against our people.

In Holland, Christians who publicly proclaim the Gospel of John – Chapter 14:6, “that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life,” can be charged with unlawfully fomenting hate against non-Christians and can be sent to jail.

After Supreme Court Justice Kennedy used the European Court of Human Rights ruling, other members of the U.S. Supreme Court stated that, they, too would be looking to use more and more rulings from “foreign laws” to “help” interpret America’s Constitution.

Justice Ruth Ginsburg addressed a college student group recently and stated that America “can no longer be an island” among other nations and that our nation’s “Lone Ranger mentality” is beginning to change. She stated her fellow justices would seek comparative and international law — that is, foreign court perspectives — on many of the future cases to come before the high court because “we are the losers if we do not … learn from others.”

Justice Brenner told ABC news recently, “The world is growing together through commerce and globalization, and we will find in the coming years whether our Constitution … fits into the governing documents of other nations. I think this will be a challenge for the next generation.”

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was asked by ABC news if the U.S. Constitution will not be the final word in the law of America. She replied, “You always have the power of entering into treaties with other nations which also become part of the law of the land. But I can’t see the day when we won’t have “a” constitution in our nation.”

Here lies the snake in the grass! Yes, we will have “a” constitution. But it will not be THE Constitution of the land from which all courts will take their guidance?

We do not need to worry about illegal aliens and what they are going to do to our nation. We do not need to worry about future attacks from terrorists from other shores blowing up our public domains.

The invasion of America has begun at the very highest level in the land and is filtering down to every hamlet in America — the “internationalization” of our Constitution, which will destroy all of our freedoms and make Iraq look like Paradise Regained.

Homeland Security needs to begin enforcing the Constitution of the United States to protect our borders from the true threat to our independence and sovereignty. A few bombs from terrorists will kill hundreds of people. Importing international law into our nation will enslave millions. This is not a future trend. It is with us today.

When George Washington was asked if Americans should surrender our great legal, social, and political advantages to European influence, he responded, “Why forgo the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European Ambition, Rivalship, Interest, Humor or Caprice?”

By George, he is right. And we are being duped into a false sense of internationalism that will destroy our political, spiritual and moral codes that have made this nation “under God” so great.

Bob Vetter lives in Whispering Pines.

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