
(formerly www.MooreGOP.org)

Moore County, North Carolina Republican News & Views

  This is not the web site of the Moore Co. Republican Party!
The official web site of the Moore County, North Carolina Republican Party is moorecountyncgop.org  mcncgop.com  moore.nc.gop 
Another independent web site for Moore County Republicans  is  was  www.mooregop.com.
This is an independent Republican web site, not associated with any candidate or campaign.

Hot Topics:
  • Beware of NC Democrats' dirty trick in the 11/6/2018 election:
  • President Trump has his failings, but, so far, he's done a surprisingly good job as Commander In Chief.
    National Review: Did Trump Beat ISIS?
    RealClearPolitics: Trump's Success Against ISIS Has Gone "Largely Unreported"
    Inasmuch as CinC is the POTUS's most important job, I am thankful.
  • Romney v. Obama, a Christian's perspective.
  • Richard Morgan wanted to be sure that his importance is never forgotten, so he had his own crypt and bronze marker prepared in advance in a Southern Pines cemetery.  It declares him "Speaker of the House," and in place of the usual cross it has the NC State Seal. (But, in the meantime, he had fun [click & page-down])   click to view
  • Richard Morgan's election law violations, and a sworn complaint to the SBOE
  • Quid pro quo: How S&M Brands bought Richard Morgan's support for $100,000
  • Richard Morgan removed from State GOP post.  The vote of the Republican State Executive Committee on 5/23/2004 for the resolution to remove Richard Morgan was nearly unanimous.  Only 6-8 of the 171 voting members voted "no."  The vote of the smaller Central Committee two days earlier was similar (24-to-1), as were numerous County and District Republican conventions, which voted to recommend Morgan's removal for party disloyalty.
  • Democratic political consultant Joe Sinsheimer  has  had an invaluable website about NC House Co-Speaker Richard Morgan's "coalition" partner, Jim Black (who was released from prison in 2011):  www.JimBlackMustGo.com
  • My "Batch Match" tool matches your database of names and addresses against the NC Voter Database, and finds the voter registration record (if any) for each voter.  Smart matching means you can use nicknames, partial addresses, etc..  It takes  a little over an hour  12-20 minutes to match one name or 1000 against the whole State. Matches against just the eight-county Triangle region take about  15-20  5 minutes (I upgraded the server!)
  • I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like his health care scam...
  • Have you heard liberals claim that President Reagan's tax cuts in the 1980's caused big deficits? Don't be deceived! Here are the facts about how President Reagan cut the long-term federal deficit, even while cutting the top federal income tax rate from 70% down to 28%, and simultanously rebuilding America's neglected military defenses. At the same time, unemployment shrank from over 10% down to 5.3%, and both poverty and inflation also fell.
  • The worst scientific scandal at least since Piltdown Man is ClimateGate. The Times of London calls it "the great climate change science scandal." That understates it. We now have proof that the leading climate change "experts" have been cooking the books to hide the inconvenient truth that the globe hasn't warmed since the Clinton Administration. Skeptical Climatologist Patrick J. Michaels says, "This isn't a smoking gun, it's a mushroom cloud."
  • Look:  What Democrats used to say about Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction, before pretending that President Bush invented the threat as a pretext for war.  (printable version)
  • [3/26/2006]  The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Bush, Saddam & Gaddafi, and how going to war in Iraq made the world safer.
  • Candidate Questionnaire with answers from all 6 candidates for 2009 NC GOP Chairman & Vice-Chairman here.
  • Check the voter registration and Party affiliation for all contested 2008 judicial races in North Carolina!
  • [5/3/2006]  Congratulations, Joe!  Boylan defeats Morgan
  • Joy Boylan's www.boylanforhouse.com web site
  • [11/17/2004]  The results are in.  Thanks to the Democrat/Morgan gerrymander, once again Democrats got most of the seats in the NC General Assembly, even though Republicans got most of the votes.  See: https://burtonsys.com/mooregop/artpope_11-10-04.html
  • [11/29/2004]  Yet Morgan argues that Republican losses in the NCGA are not his fault.  See: http://www.thepilot.com/news/112804Morgan.html.  Here's Morgan's letter, and an excellent reply: Pope v. Morgan.
  • [7/17/2004]  Name Dropping:  Richard Morgan claimed that Barbara Bush and Elizabeth Dole support him.  But he lied!
  • [10/12/2007]  Jerome Corsi is a liar, too.
Photo taken 9/11/2003 in Iraq.  It shows some of the proud warriors of Baker Company, paying tribute to their fallen comrades.  Semper Fi!            Yes, it's real -- see http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/b/bakertributeto9-11.htm  
(If you have a high-speed Internet connection, please click on the picture.  Or, if that doesn't work, click here.)  
  Change Iraq can believe in?  



  2nd Thursday of each month (except July & August), 11:45 AM:  Men's Club meeting, at CCNC
3rd Tuesday of each month (except December, June, July & August), 7 PM:  Sandhills Republican Women meeting.
     Location varies, but the April 18, 2006 SRW meeting will be at Golden Corral, and the speaker will be Paula Gallero of Fisher House.
1st Monday of each month (except July & August), 11:30 AM:  Moore Republican Women meeting, at Pinehurst Resort M.C.
4th Tuesday of each month, 6:30 PM:  Young Republicans meeting, at John's Barbecue in Southern Pines
see also www.mooregop.com/calendar.html (Moore Co. GOP)
see also SRWC calendar of events
see also www.ncgop.org/cgi-bin/calendar.pl (NC GOP)
see also Triangle West Republican Club local events schedule
see also Carolina Students For Life events calendar
see also John Locke Foundation events calendar
past events (more interesting reading that you might guess!)

Search & Look-up
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Onelook.com dictionary: 
Google web search:       usenet     advanced
Bible:  bible.gospelcom.net/bible
Phonebooks:  Infobel teldir   AT&T AnyWho   BellSouth yellow pages   whitepages.com
Maps & directions:  Yahoo   MapBlast / Msn   MapQuest   Rand McNally   maps.com / MapTuit
NC Voter Registration:  http://www.app.sboe.state.nc.us/votersearch/seimsvot.htm
NC Legislators:  https://burtonsys.com/mooregop/ncleg_2003-2004.html
Internet Access:  www.freedomlist.com (cheap dial-up ISP list) and Dave's recommendations
Classified ads & Auctions:  eBay,   The Pilot,   N&O ~ triangle.com,   Abracat,   Adquest3D,   other


Moore Co. Republican Party:  www.mooregop.com   (old page here - obsolete)
     Men's Club meets at CCNC   (old page here - obsolete)
     Sandhills Republican Women (club for conservative Republican woman, meets in evenings)
          Location varies, but the April 18, 2006 SRW meeting will be at Golden Corral.
          4/18/06 speaker: Paula Gallero, Manager of the Fisher House, Fort Bragg.
          Fisher House supports our Military, Veterans and their families during a medical crisis.
     Moore Republican Women's Club (luncheon club for Republican women, meets at PRMC)
     Young Republicans' Club meets at John's BBQ   (old page here - obsolete)
NC Republican Party:  www.ncgop.org
www.ncrepublicans.com - a great information source for NC Republicans
www.grassrootsseeds.com - anti-RINO Republican site
www.TeamGOP.com - national Republican news
Nearby Republican County web sites:  Harnett,  Randolph,  Chatham,  Wake,  Durham,  Orange,  Guilford,  Forsyth,  Johnston
Other Republican Party County web sites: www.ncgop.org/officials/county.html
Nearby Republican Club web sites:  Triangle West,  Western Wake,  Wake YRs,  Wake Men (this is an excellent site),  Capital Area Republicans

Sample ballots:
7/20/2004 Primary Election  ** Polls Open: 6:30 am - Close: 7:30 pm **

GOP officeholders and candidates:
U.S. Congress:
     Senator Elizabeth Dole:  dole.senate.gov
     Senator Richard Burr:  burr.senate.gov and www.richardburrcommittee.com
     Congressman Howard Coble, 6th District:  www.house.gov/coble
NC Senate:
     State Senator Harris Blake:  www.ncleg.net  and  www.politicsnationwide.com
NC House:
     Joy Boylan:  www.boylanforhouse.com
     Richard T. Morgan*:  www.richardmorgancampaign.com (archived)www.ncleg.net  and  more
          (*Note: Rep. Morgan is registered as a Republican, but organizes and votes with the Democrats.)
     2004: Peggy Crutchfield:  www.peggycrutchfield.com (archived copy)  and  Story in The Pilot
2004 Governor's race:
       George Little:  www.georgewlittle.com
       Patrick Ballantine:  www.ballantineforgovernor.com
       Dan Barrett:  www.barrettforgovernor.com
       Bill Cobey:  www.billcobey.org
       Fern Shubert:  www.forfern.com
       Richard Vinroot:  www.vinroot.com

2004 Judicial races:

Judicial races are officially "non-partisan" starting in 2004, but we've got the actual Party registration for all 206 candidates, state-wide  (or as a an Excel spreadsheet)

     Court of Appeals: Marvin Schiller www.schillerforjudge.com  (Republican!)
see also www.mooregop.com/election2004.html

Moore County, NC Board of Elections:  http://www.co.moore.nc.us/elections/
NC State Board of Elections:  www.app.sboe.state.nc.us
Government website portal:  www.firstgov.gov

General Interest:
[2/9/2006]  www.JimBlackMustGo.com site by Democratic political consultant Joe Sinsheimer,
     about Morgan's "coalition" partner
www.ProtectPatientsNow.org - Trial lawyers like John Edwards are driving doctors out of NC,
     and the Democrat-controlled legislature won't act.
NY Post: Rounding 'em Up! by Ralph Peters  12/19/2003  (or here)
Common John Edwards: www.commonjohn.com  (or here)
Free Republic (and its NC Topic Area) is an online gathering place for grass-roots conservatism.  (check your FReepMail)
Wake County Taxpayers Association
Columnist Mike Adams
www.ClubForGrowth.org and its 2005 Congressional Scorecard
A Soldier's Perspective (blog)
Links to more articles (which we're still organizing)


Is State Rep. Richard Morgan still a Republican?
You be the judge

Morgan and his allies have run ads saying they cut taxes by voting for an increase in the state's child-tax credit and doing away with its marriage-tax penalty.
"It's malarkey," Hood said. "It makes a bill that raised taxes into an apparent tax cut. I find these ads the most odious ... telling a deliberate falsehood based on the assumption that people won't check it out."
(from a Winston-Salem Journal article [or here] quoting John Hood of the non-partisan John Locke Foundation)

     Triangle Business Journal: 
For a fee: spot in Morgan 'cabinet' (8/29/2003)  (or here)
           "It's helping me change the outlook of our party, to make it more progressive" -Morgan
     N&O:  Morgan plucks post-session aides from some lawmakers (8/11/2003)  (or here)
     N&O:  "...loyalty [to me] is more important than competence even" -Morgan (7/20/03)  (or here)
     Rep. Morgan told a whopper of a lie about his "coalition" with Speaker Jim Black
     Rep. Morgan lied to help Easley beat the Republican nominee for governor
     Morgan v. Reality:  Is this another Morgan whopper?  Or maybe he was joking?

Morgan:  "You've got a whole bunch of freshman that have never seen the bickering and gridlock... and I hope they never see it." (see the last paragraph of this article)
Reality:  No bickering??  Republicans in the NC House have probably never been this bitterly divided and angry with one another, in the entire history of the Republican Party... and it's not funny.

     Jim Black says if special interests want their bills passed they should donate to "both of us."  (or here)
     Morgan Sold Out the Republicans (2/29/04)  [original/longer version here]
     Charlotte Observer article about the NC Republican Mainstreet Committee (5/5/2004).
      It sounds like "Republican Mean Streak Committee" in the radio ad.
It is a chapter of the Republican Main Street Partnership (RMSP), an organization of liberal, mostly-Northern, Republicans like Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), and the late Sen. John Chafee (R-Rhode Island).  RMSP gets some of its money from leftist billionaire George Soros, who was convicted for insider trading and finded $2 million in 2002.  Here's an article about the RMSP, its affiliated committees, and its finances: gannett_RMSP_and_MSIF.html.
      The NCRMC is a so-called "527" committee, which may not legally coordinate its activities with any campaign. But Morgan proved that they were illegally coordinating with him when he told the Winston-Salem Journal what they were going to do before they did it. "We have a Morgan protection plan in place," said Morgan. "I plan to support the people who support me."
    Morgan's "Main Street" 527 committee accepted a $100,000 bribe from a Virginia tobacco company that needed a bill killed in the House. Most of its other contributors were from the alcoholic beverage and usury industries. In other words, nearly all its money was sleazy. (Its expenditures were mostly advertising, of course.)
    The officers of that 527 committee are two of Morgan's closest allies in the legislature, Danny McComas and Harold "Bru" Brubaker, plus Tamara Barringer of Raleigh. The ads were produced by Morgan's political consultant, Paul Shumaker.

Every Republican Senator voted against the Democrat/Morgan redistricting plan, two-thirds of the other Republican House members opposed it, and the NC Republican Party publicly condemned it.  But on 11/25/2003, with Richard Morgan presiding, co-speakers Morgan & Black rammed it through the NC House.  Most Republican legislators were shown the plan scant hours before having to vote on it.  Speaker Morgan permitted no debate and no attempts to amend it.

NC Republican Party information on redistricting (archived)
     NC GOP: "[The Democrat/Morgan plans] do not comply with... the Stephenson Supreme Court decision" (archived)

NC Republican Party blasts the "pro-Democrat 2003 House map," and says "the adopted Senate map has similar flaws."

     Carolina Journal Exclusive Series: Redistricting
     Who's to blame for delaying the primaries:
     Three analyses of the redistricting plans:
  • Did Republicans Score a Redistricting Win?  by John Hood  (1/28/2004)  (or here)   "It would be fair to say that [Morgan] didn't stop Democrats from making disproportionate gains [in both House and Senate]; I'll leave it to Republicans to judge whether they find that objectionable or unavoidable."
  • A contrary view:  NC Free says only Senate plan favors Democrats, House plan favors GOP:  We can't link to it because they charge $350 for access, but here's an article about it  (1/12/2003)
  • Analysis of House plan only, from Bill Carraway  (or as rtf file)
  • Editorial comment: Your webmaster thinks that, with Republicans racking up a 10 percentage point victory margin over Democrats in the last House elections, any plan that puts the two parties at approximate parity in number of seats is a blatant Democrat gerrymander!
  • The results are in.  Unfortunately, John Hood was right and NC FREE was wrong.  Once again, Republicans got most of the votes, but Democrats got most of the seats - in both the NC House and the NC Senate.  See: https://burtonsys.com/mooregop/artpope_11-10-04.html
     "Morgan the Democrat" helped Democrats gerrymander the NC Senate
     Bill Cobey expresses outrage over unconstitutional lines (11/26/2003)
     Statement on Redistricting by NC Republican Party Chairman Ferrell Blount  (or here)
     Look:  Sens. Pittenger & Ballantine, and Rep. McMahan: Morgan sold out his party (12/22/2003)
          and Morgan's reply.
     Patrick Ballantine: Choosing Legislators or Choosing Voters? (11/24/2003)  (or here)
     Why legislative leaders stalled redistricting until November 2003  (8/16/2003)
     How Republican legislators voted on the Democrat/Morgan redistricting plan
     How redistricting ought to be done (by the MooreGOP.org  BurtonSys.com/MooreGOP webmaster)
     Rep. John Blust wrote this compelling letter to Kenny Kidd about Richard Morgan's betrayals
Taxes and Spending:

The Democrat/Morgan coalition budget was a bad deal for North Carolina.  When Tennessee faced a budget shortfall, they used tobacco settlement money to cover it & and keep taxes down.  Not here!  Morgan and the Democrats protected their "Golden Leaf" slush fund, and instead covered the budget gap with $1.02 billion in tax increases (over two years) and accounting slight-of-hand.

     Fern Shubert's
Raleigh Report (5/12/2003):  Sen. Shubert is a CPA and budget wonk.
           "...this year's sick joke of a budget..."
     Dan Barrett on the budget, Rocky Mount Telegram (1/13/04)
           "The governor and legislature had two choices..." (or here)
     Patrick Ballantine on the budget: Press Release (4/30/03)  (or here))
           "Senate Republicans unanimously stood against tax increases..."
     NC Spin's Tom Campbell on the budget: My Spin (5/1/2003)
  "What North Carolina citizens got this year was a race to see just how fast they could slap numbers on paper and get a vote..."
     Charlotte Observer article: N.C.'s GOP sees cuts as budget remedy  (but they're not talking about Morgan)
     Did Morgan hold the line on taxes?  Two views: webmaster Dave v. Rep. John Blust
     John Locke Foundation's alternative budget would have cut taxes and spending (but the legislature ignored it)
     Selected columns from John Hood's Daily Journal
     $1.2 million to spruce the place up (1/26/2004):  (or here)
  How is it possible to spend $10,000 to refinish one chair & one small desk, and replace a tiny patch of carpet?  Ask Co-Speakers Jim Black & Richard Morgan.  120 members x $10,000/member = $1.2 million of your tax money - right after raising your taxes for the third year in a row.
NC Right To Life pleads for help persuading Morgan to allow vote on pro-life bill (4/23/2003)
     LifeTree, Inc. pleads for help persuading Morgan & his Democrat allies to allow vote on pro-life bill (7/14/2003)
     The MooreGOP.org  BurtonSys.com/MooreGOP webmaster's letter to Morgan (8/12/2003), to which he did not reply:
           "will you please assure me that you will not block H998 in next year's short session?"
           (If Rep. Morgan ever replies to that question, we'll post his reply here.)
     A letter to the editor of The Pilot, which missed the publication deadline (7/19/2004)
Party Loyalty:

In August, 2004, Morgan lied to smear the Republican nominee for governor, and help Democrat Easley get reelected. Republican Patrick Ballantine had run a completely accurate ad which said, "who wants to move jobs here when politicians have raised our taxes three years in a row?" In response, Morgan told this outrageous lie: "We did not raise taxes in 2003, if that's what Ballantine is talking about. The truth ought to be told. It ought to start with Ballantine making his ad factual." In fact, on 6/30/2003 Morgan and the Democrats enacted net tax increases of $390 million for FY 2003-04 and $632.5 million for FY 2004-05.

There is No Republican Party in the NC House by Rep. John Blust (12/18/2003)  (or FreeRepublic)
     Letter to The PilotMorgan Does A Lot To Help Democrats
     Letter to The PilotReport the Truth About Richard Morgan
     N&O:  Morgan recruits challengers to GOP foes (11/3/2003)  (or here)
     Winston-Salem Journal article in which Richard Morgan indicates that he'll support a coalition
  with Democrats even if Republicans win a majority of the House seats, unless Republicans win "somewhere around 68 or 70" of the 120 seats.  (or here)
     Resolution to remove Richard Morgan from the State Republican Executive Committee (2/15/2004)
     Morgan gave the Democrats 14 solo committee chairmanships.  Republicans got only 4.
     "Morgan the Democrat" helped Democrats gerrymander the NC Senate
     Rep. John Blust wrote this compelling letter to Kenny Kidd about Richard Morgan's betrayals
     Webmaster Dave's open letter to Kenny Kidd (distributed at 6th District convention)
Why this site is run from outside Moore County:
         Is it just coincidence that bad things seem to happen to people in Moore Co. who cross Richard Morgan?
     Long after Matt McWilliams' school board campaign mishandled $261 in contributions, he faced
7 Felony Charges
  for those misakes... and the Moore Co. Board of Elections Director admitted to the SBOE's investigator that McWilliams' prior school board campaign was investigated because he later decided to run against Morgan.
     Letter: Headline Went Too Far
     Andy Thomas: Feuding: Political Discord Is One Thing, Vandalism Another
     [3/5/2004]  Andy Thomas:
Look Out, Richard -- Here Comes Peggy.
     [7/08/2004]  Check the message on this web site from a former Morgan supporter, who lists sources of Morgan's campaign contributions:
         www.moorecountyfirst.org (archived)  Would you believe $207,600 is from Wake County, an area much maligned by Morgan's campaign team!

Q: What do you call a politician whose political enemies are all Republicans?   A: A Democrat, of course.

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BurtonSys/MooreGOP (formerly MooreGOP.org) is an independent web site and is not affiliated with the Moore County, North Carolina Republican Party.
For questions or comments, please contact
webmaster Dave Burton, 919-244-3316
Last modified: 02-Oct-20 (version 90)      Copyright © 2003-2014, David Andrew Burton.