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Windows Programs

ARP++  v1.7
ARP++ is an advanced version of the Windows Add/Remove Programs feature, allowing you to remove programs you may not otherwise be able to.

Briscola  v1.3
Briscola is a very famous Italian card game. Play against the computer in this one-on-one card game. There is included help with the rules of the game, for those who have never played Briscola before.

CD2ISO  v1.3
A simple and clean CD/DVD to ISO ripper.

Digitizer  v1.2
Digitizer converts images into stunning colorized textual representations.

DirSize  v1.1
View the size of all the folders on your disk, a great way to find where all that free space you used to have went to.

Dropper  v1.1
Dropper allows you to get the exact color of any pixel on the screen and converts it to commonly used representations.

FTPEdit  v1.0
FTPEdit allows you to locally open, edit, and save a file on a remote FTP server without having to first download the file with a separate FTP program.

HiveDefrag  v1.1
HiveDefrag allows you to defrag the internal registry structure which improves overall system performance.

HiveLoader  v1.1
With HiveLoader you can load, unload, and create registry hives. A powerful system tool not for the faint of heart.

ListShares  v1.1
View information on all the shares on any machine in your LAN.

Mandelbrot  v1.5
Fun with fractals! With Mandelbrot you can view the never ending complexity and beauty of the Mandelbrot set.

PasswordSpy  v2.2
Have a program on your computer you forgot the password to? Use PasswordSpy to reveal passwords from virtually any Windows program.

QuickPaste  v1.1
Ever wish you could put more than one string into the clipboard to make "cut and paste" work easier? QuickPaste is the app for you.

Registry Wizard  v1.2
Backup and restore your Windows registry to and from your hard drive, network drive, or removable media.

SysRun  v1.3
Run programs as SYSTEM. A powerful tool not for the faint at heart.

TreeCompare  v1.6
TreeCompare is a program to compare two directory trees and all the files in them. It will search the paths and find either the differences or similarities, depending on the options.

ZoomIn  v2.1
ZoomIn is a screen magnification viewer allowing you to zoom in on any area of your screen.

Console Programs

DOS Utilities
Over the years I have created a large collection of DOS utilities. These range from number conversion programs to powerful file copy programs. Peruse this list of programs, I'm sure you'll find something useful.

Source Code

ListShares  v1.1 source code
Want to know what shares are running on any computer in your LAN? Well here's a program showing how it's done.

PasswordSpy  v2.2 source code
Have a program on your computer you forgot the password to? Use PasswordSpy to reveal passwords from virtually any Windows program. And here's the code showing how.

ZoomIn  v2.0 source code
Want to view an area of your screen under magnification? ZoomIn allows you to do just that. And here's the code showing how.


If you are using Windows 95, then you may need to update your system files. Here are instructions on how to update your system files.

Many of the Freezerware programs come as either Unicode or ANSI versions. Read this to know which version is best for you.