2002 Wake County Christian Coalition Voter Guide

                        front side (.pdf file)             back side (.pdf file)

Wake County (NC) Christian Coalition web site: http://members.aol.com/wakecc/


Background information about NC NOW and NC Right To Life:

From the web site of the North Carolina chapter of the National Organization for Women (NC NOW) to explain their purpose:
"We envision a world where patriarchal culture and male dominance no longer oppress us or our earth" ... "We are committed to a feminist ideology and reaffirm our historic commitment to gaining equality for women, assuring safe, legal and accessible abortion and full reproductive freedom" ... "NOW holds that access to safe and legal abortion, to effective birth control, and to reproductive health and education are matters of life and death, not mere matters of choice"   (see

From the web site of NC Right To Life to explain their purpose:
"We support the legal protection of all innocent human life from fertilization until natural death. We therefore oppose abortion, infanticide and euthanasia."   (see