Where the idea came from

Almost every day I read the anysoldier.com website, and often I read every entry for the day.  On Sunday morning I only had a minute, but I read the following entry from LTC Keith Donahoe (because I recognized the name from before).  It said:
15 Jan 2005:
I would like to ask for one more thing.  Please ask everyone to pray for a successful election and the safety of all the soldiers in Iraq whether they be coalition forces or Iraqi.  For us January 30th is D Day.
And I thought of all the things he could have requested we could surely pray for.  During church service, I felt God calling me to help organize a prayer vigil for the Iraq election.  I feel led to encourage others to cover this election with prayer.  I asked my friend and computer expert David Burton if he could come up with a website where people could sign up for a prayer time.  I feel led to pray and fast during this time and hope you will feel led to commit to prayer and/or fasting also.

Carmen Ledford
Sanford, NC
carmen at theledfords dot com
January 17, 2005

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