OpenOffice Writer bug - PDF Export aborts

Issuezilla issue no. 14138

This problem happens with both 644_m11 and 1.1beta: When I try to export my document to PDF, OpenOffice Writer grinds away for awhile and then aborts.

I started with a 396 page document, and tried to whittle it down to something more concise to demonstrate the bug. Unfortunately, the cause doesn't seem to be any single construct. There are many different parts of the document which, if removed, cause the error to disappear. But I did manage to create some smaller test cases.


This is the smallest test case that I have which exhibits the problem, but it only does so when using the "screen optimized" PDF export option, and only if you do not do Update -> Update all before attempting the PDF export, and sometimes it works anyhow:
The error it generates when it fails is:

    Runtime Error!

    Program: C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org644_m11\program\soffice.exe

    abnormal program termination


This test case is bigger. It cause OO to abort every time, regardless of what "PDF compression" option is chosen, and regardless of whether or not Update -> Update all has been done:
The error it generates is:

    An unrecoverable error has occurred.

    All modified files have been saved and can
    probably be recovered at program restart.



This test case is larger yet. It also causes OO to abort every time, regardless of what "PDF compression" option is chosen, and regardless of whether or not Update -> Update all has been done. But the error message is different:
The error it generates is:

    Runtime Error!

    Program: C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org644_m11\program\soffice.exe

    abnormal program termination


I've also seen a third manifestation of the problem, but I can't seem to reproduce it. I think this was in 644_m11:

    An unrecoverable error has occurred. ...
etc.,  then:
    The exception unknown software exception (0xe06d7363) occurred
    in the application at location 0x77e9e8bb.

                      [OK]   [Cancel]


-Dave Burton  (remove the ".nospam")