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  Home > Rulers Wallpaper 2.01  

  Rulers Wallpaper 2.01 ...change your website's resolution without having to change your monitor's!

Developed by Arie Kahn. Last update: April 9, 2002

This is a desktop wallpaper with rulers indicating monitor resolutions. Good for websites testing. Place Rulers Wallpaper 2.01 on your desktop, then run a browser with your website. Drag browser's window and resize it accordingly to rulers!

Download (old) - 25 kB. Readme.txt included. Click on the picture to see a larger screenshot ...

Rulers Wallpaper 2.01 screenshot. Click to see larger screenshot...

The wallpaper appear in two styles:

  • WindowsNT & 98 default color
  • Windows2000 default color
Measured resolutions:
  • 640x480
  • 800x600
  • 1024x768
  • 1152x864
  • 1280x960
  • 1600x1200
1280x1024 - see special note for users with this resolution.

1. Choose a wallpaper that matches your main working resolution. Don't use bigger wallpaper -- make it easier for RAM. You can choose a wallpaper by color accordingly to your Windows version.
2. Place the BMP file into your Windows directory.
3. Right click on Desktop - Properties, Background.
4. Select wallpaper picture (Tile option).

Rulers Wallpaper 2.01 is free. You can freely redistribute it "as is". Please mention Arie Kahn and

Attention: browser window borders eat some pixels.

Rulers Wallpaper versions history.

© 2001-2003


P.S. - by Dave Burton,  1/24/2008 & 6/15/2010

The web site is long gone, and so are Arie Kahn's personal web sites, & But I hated to see Arie's nifty free wallpaper files disappear into oblivion. So here they are.

However, time rolls on and things change. It is no longer true that "most (if not ALL) computer monitors today have 1.3333 physical size proportion." I had a very nice 19" 1280x1024 LCD monitor with a width/height ratio of 1.25. "Wide-screen" montors and laptop screens are also increasingly popular, with width/height ratios of 1.6 (e.g., 1440x900 or 1680x1050) or even 1.8 (1440x800).

So, starting with Arie's wallpaper files, I've created a few more, to accomodate these newer monitors: 1280x1024, 1440x900, 1440x800, 1440x1200, 1440x1050 and 1680x1050. They're all here, along with Arie's original ones: (new) - 43 kB.

If you create a similar wallpaper file for another screen resolutions, please send it to me so that I can add it to this collection.

Also, if you know how to contact Arie Kahn, please tell me.

Dave Burton
Cary, NC  USA
+1 919-481-0149