How to display flash videos on a web page

Demo of three ways to embed .flv videos


1. YouTube

The 1st example uses YouTube to host the video:

Note: this video is  

2. Longtail's JW Player

The 2nd example uses jwplayer.js and Longtail's semi-free player.swf (JW Player 5.9).

This div should have been replaced (by jwplayer.js)


3. Free MWP Player

The 3rd example uses swfobject.js 1.5 and mpw_player.swf, following this example.
(GS Player is apparently similar to MWP Player, and might be newer/better.)
Note that I'm using swfobject.js version 1.5, because that's what the example used.
Substituting swfobject.js version 2.2 will not work without modification:

This div should have been replaced (by swfobject_1p5.js)