Wake Co., NC Board of Elections voter info: http://www.wakegov.com/elections/Pages/default.aspx
Early voting dates, times & locations: http://www.wakegov.com/elections/info/early/Pages/default.aspx
Wake Co., NC personalized sample ballots: https://www.ncsbe.gov/VoterLookup.aspx?Feature=voterinfo
Sample ballots for other counties: http://www.ncsbe.gov/downloads/SampleBallots/2012-11-06/
Other voter guides & more election info: http://www.burtonsys.com/davespicks.html
Presidential Contest: (not included w/ straight-ticket votes) President of the United States: Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan http://www.mittromney.com Other federal races: (your ballot will have one of these) US House of Representatives District 2: Renee Ellmers http://www.Reneeforcongress.com US House of Representatives District 4: Tim D'Annunzio http://www.TimVote.com US House of Representatives District 13: George Holding http://www.georgeholdingforcongress.com Partisan statewide NC naces: (your ballot will have all of these) NC Governor: Pat McCrory http://www.PatMcCrory.com NC Lieutenant Governor: Dan Forest http://www.DanForest.com NC Attorney General: No endorsement NC Auditor: No endorsement NC Commissioner of Agriculture: Steve Troxler http://www.SteveTroxler.com NC Commissioner of Insurance: Mike Causey http://www.goCausey.com NC Commissioner of Labor: No endorsement NC Secretary of State: Ed Goodwin http://www.goodwin2012.com NC Superintendent of Public Instruction: John Tedesco http://www.Tedesco4kids.com NC Treasurer: No endorsement Partisan Wake County, NC races: (your ballot will have some of these) NC Senate 15: Neal Hunt http://www.NealHunt.com NC Senate 17: Tamara Barringer http://www.tamarabarringer.com NC Senate 18: Chad Barefoot http://www.ChadBarefoot.com NC House 35: Chris Malone http://www.Malonefornchouse.com NC House 36: Nelson Dollar http://www.NelsonDollar.net NC House 37: Paul “Skip” Stam http://www.PaulStam.info NC House 40: Marilyn Avila http://www.MarilynAvila.com NC House 41: Tom Murry http://www.mydistrict41.com NC House 49: James Fulghum http://www.drjimfulghum.com Wake County Commissioner 4: C. Dale Cooke http://www.voteforCooke.US Wake County Commissioner 6: Paul Fitts http://www.PaulFitts.com Register Of Deeds: Laura Riddick http://www.riddickforregister.com NC statewide Nonpartisan judicial races: (not included w/ straight-ticket votes) NC Supreme Court Associate Justice: Paul Martin Newby http://www.Newbyforcourt.com NC Court of Appeals Judge: David Robinson http://www.Robinsonfornc.com NC Court of Appeals Judge: Marty McGee http://www.JudgeMartyMcgee.com NC Court of Appeals Judge: Chris Dillon http://www.ChrisDillonforjudge.com Wake County, NC Nonpartisan (mostly judicial) races: (not included w/ straight-ticket votes) NC District Court Judge: Dan Nagle http://www.DanNagleforjudge.com NC District Court Judge: Jennifer Green (unopposed) NC District Court Judge: Jennifer Knox (unopposed) NC District Court Judge: Charles Gilliam http://www.CharlespGilliam.com Wake County Water & Soil Conservation: Patrick Lawson http://www.patlawson4sandw.blogspot.com
Questions? Comments? Call me: Dave Burton, M: 919-244-3316,