This web page is about an article that Jerome Corsi wrote on Oct. 9, 2007, for, attacking President George W. Bush. It begins like this:
PREMEDITATED MERGER Ex-Mexican prez: 'Amero' on the way Vicente Fox confirms long-term deal worked out with President Bush By Jerome R. Corsi © 2007 In an interview last night on CNN's "Larry King Live," the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, confirmed the existence of a government plan to create the amero as a new regional currency to replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican Peso. |
But it is all lies. Vicente Fox actually said nothing whatsoever suggesting that President Bush ever expressed support for "merger," or for combining the dollar with any other currency, or for replacing it with an "amero." Not a word.
(Note: the "amero" is a fixture of a hoax perpetrated by the nutty John
Birch Society [JBS], which claims that "The Conspiracy," which they believe
is secretly running the world, is plotting to combine the United States,
Canada, and Mexico into a new "North American Union" [NAU], with a new
and a new combined currency to be
called the "amero." JBS members are sometimes called "Birchers.")
Here's a letter that I wrote to WorldNetDaily President Joseph Farah on Oct. 11, 2007, detailing the lies in Corsi's article. I resent it several times, by both email and fax, but Mr. Farah never replied.
Criticizing a Corsi article is like shooting at a moving target. When confronted with particularly obvious misstatements in one of his articles, Corsi does not admit them, as an honest man would. Instead, he tries to hide the fact that the flaws were ever there, by editing his article on the WorldNetDaily web site, without any indication that he has done so.
This is the earliest version I have of his article:
Here's a later version, which he artfully edited to obscure
some of the more obvious misstatements (but the thesis is
still a lie):
This is the current version, on the WorldNetDaily web site (perhaps the same as the "later version," above):
This is CNN's transcript of Larry King's interview of Vicente Fox:
(or on
and here)
Here's the relevant part of that transcript, not sliced and diced into pieces to change the meaning, as Corsi did, but with the entire section intact:
KING: E-mail from Mrs. Gonzalez in Elizabeth, New Jersey. "Mr. Fox, I would like to know how you feel about the possibility of having a Latin America united with one currency?" FOX: Long term, very long term. What we propose together, President Bush and myself, it's ALCA, which is a trade union for all of the Americas. And everything was running fluently until Hugo Chavez came. He decided to isolate himself. He decided to combat the idea and destroy the idea... KING: It's going to be like the euro dollar, you mean? FOX: Well, that would be long, long term. I think the processes to go, first step into is trading agreement. And then further on, a new vision, like we are trying to do with NAFTA. KING: How is NAFTA doing? FOX: Excellent. Mexico's seventh largest trading economy in the world. Mexico trades more products and services than all of Latin America together, including Brazil, Argentina and all of them. And Mexico buys -- and this people don't know -- Mexico buys from the United States more products and services than what Italy, France, Germany and Britain do together. So we account for hundreds of thousands of jobs in this economy in the U.S. KING: An honor seeing you again. We'll make the next visit not so long. FOX: Thank you very much...
As you can see, Fox did not say anything resembling what Corsi claims he said. Fox never suggested that Bush supports unifying the American dollar with any other currencies, or replacing it with a new currency.
Let's look at the transcript line-by-line, and compare what it says to what Corsi claimed:
KING: E-mail from Mrs. Gonzalez in Elizabeth, New Jersey. "Mr. Fox, I would like to know how you feel about the possibility of having a Latin America united with one currency?"
Note that the question asked of Fox was what would he think of a common currency for Latin America. But here's what Corsi wrote:
Vicente Fox... confirmed the existence of a government plan to create the amero as a new regional currency to replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican Peso. |
Surely Corsi knows that the USA is not part of Latin America! Nowhere in their conversation did either Fox or King say anything about a common North American currency. So why did Corsi change "Latin America" to the USA, Canada and Mexico?
Because a common currency for Latin America would be inconsistent with the Bircher "Amero" / "North American Union" hoax, which is an imagined secret plan to merge Canada, Mexico and the USA.
The two ideas are incompatible: Latin America is Mexico and points south. North America is Mexico and points north. Mexico is in both Latin America and North America, but the USA and Canada are not part of Latin America.
This was Fox's reply to Larry King's question, and King's interruption:
FOX: Long term, very long term. What we propose together, President Bush and myself, it's ALCA, which is a trade union for all of the Americas. And everything was running fluently until Hugo Chavez came. He decided to isolate himself. He decided to combat the idea and destroy the idea... KING: It's going to be like the euro dollar, you mean?
As you can see, Fox replied that there's no common currency in prospect for Latin America for a long, long time to come. Note that he neatly avoided answering the question he was asked, which was what he thinks of the idea of a common currency for Latin America. Fox's English isn't very good, but he is an experienced politician, who knows how to dodge a question! Then he changed the subject, to talk about something less pie-in-the-sky: trade reform (one of his favorite topics). That could have been accomplished, he said, if Chavez hadn't thrown a monkey wrench in the works.
But look what Corsi said about it:
King, evidently startled by Fox's revelation of the currency, asked pointedly... |
Corsi managed to cram three lies into just one partial sentence!
King, impatient with Fox's digression into trade policy, interrupted, returning to his original question about a possible common currency for Latin America:
KING: It's going to be like the euro dollar, you mean?
But it was no use. Fox is a skilled dodger:
FOX: Well, that would be long, long term. I think the processes to go, first step into is trading agreement. And then further on, a new vision, like we are trying to do with NAFTA.
As you can see, Fox again avoided saying what he thought of the idea of a common currency for Latin America, and just repeated his opinion that a common currency for Latin America couldn't happen for a long, long time. Then he again changed the subject to trade. What Latin America really needs, he said, is a trade agreement (which, as he'd just mentioned, Chavez is blocking). Then, he said, they need to work on finding a "new vision" in the region, which was an apparent reference to the need for much greater frendliness and cooperation between the Latin American countries than is possible with scoundrels like Hugo Chavez in power.
Then Fox turned the conversation to NAFTA, which, he said, is part of an attempt to find a new vision of cooperation in North America. This time King gave in to Fox's change of topic:
KING: How is NAFTA doing? FOX: Excellent. Mexico's seventh largest trading economy in the world. Mexico trades more products and services than all of Latin America together, including Brazil, Argentina and all of them. And Mexico buys -- and this people don't know -- Mexico buys from the United States more products and services than what Italy, France, Germany and Britain do together. So we account for hundreds of thousands of jobs in this economy in the U.S.
That's what Fox actually said. But look at what Corsi wrote:
Fox explained that he and Bush intended to proceed incrementally, establishing FTAA as an economic agreement first and waiting to create an amero-type currency later - a plan Fox also suggested was in place for NAFTA itself. |
That's a complete fabrication. Fox said nothing at all about any plan to create an amero-type currency, and nothing at all about doing so for NAFTA, either.
NAFTA, said Fox, is doing "excellent," increasing trade and creating jobs in both the USA and Mexico. He never suggested that there was any plan or need for a common currency. Corsi just made that up.
Corsi also wrote:
"Fox... admitt[ed] he and President Bush had agreed... and that part of the plan was to institute a regional currency from Canada to the tip of South America." |
But Fox said nothing at all like that. Corsi just made it up. It is a total fabrication.
So are Corsi's headlines:
PREMEDITATED MERGER Ex-Mexican prez: 'Amero' on the way Vicente Fox confirms long-term deal worked out with President Bush |
Corsi wrote three headlines, with not one word of truth in any of them! Contrary to Corsi's headlines, Vicente Fox said nothing suggesting that President Bush entered into any secret "long-term deal," or that he ever expressed support for "merger," or for the mythical "amero," or for combining the dollar with any other currency. Corsi's headlines, like his article, are just a series of lies.
Corsi is a dishonest journalist, who discredits the WorldNetDaily news service. Joseph Farah should fire him, and apologize to his readers.
Dave Burton
Cary, NC
H.Tel: 1-919-481-0098