Oct. 23, 2014
We proudly endorse the following candidates. We based these endorsements on experiences with legislators during last session, and questionnaires. The questions included new regulations, parental rights, home visit, and homeschoolers' access to public school sports. We would greatly appreciate considering the ones in your district.
Bob Steinburg - NC House District 1
Frank Iler - NC House District 17
Ken Smith - NC House District 22
Todd Conard - NC House District 31
Brendan Jones - NC House District 46
Mike Stone - NC House District 51
Mark Brody - NC House District 55
Bert Jones - NC House District 65
Deborah Conrad - NC House District 74
Larry Pittman - NC House District 82
Rena Turner - NC House 84
Jonathan Jordan - NC House District 93
Tim Moore - NC House District 111
Mike Hagar - NC House District 112
Michelle Presnell - NC House District 118
Bill Cook - NC Senate District 1
Norman Sanderson - NC Senate District 2
Ronald Rabin - NC Senate District 12
Molotov Mitchell - NC Senate District 16
Herman Joubert - NC Senate District 22
Warren Daniel - NC Senate District 46
Mark Crawford - NC Senate District 49