Thank you to everyone who volunteered! |
If you have questions or comments, please call me (Dave) at home 919-481-0098, or on my cell phone 919-244-3316. (But there's no need to call for permission to copy -- plagiarism is encouraged!)
Note: You can view a personalized sample ballot on the NC State Board of Elections web site, here: Polls are open 6:30am to 7:30pm at the regular precinct locations on November 4th. (It is also possible to vote early.) If you did not register to vote on time (by Oct. 10, 2008), or if you have moved, it is still possible to vote, using the new "early voting with same-day registration" procedure. See:
First, a few words about who I am and what I believe... (If you disagree with me about such things, then my opinions about the election are probably of no use to you.) I am a Christian, and I am a fiscal and social conservative. I am pro-life when it comes to babies, and pro-choice when it comes to education. I do not think Sarah Palin's Christian faith makes her unfit to hold office, and I do not think that praying for someone is "attacking" them. I am glad that Libya's Muammar Gaddafi and Iraq's Saddam Hussein are no longer trying to build nuclear weapons, and glad that Saddam is no longer committing genocide against the Marsh Arabs, filling his country with mass graves, and supporting terrorism around the world. I am grateful to America's soldiers for that welcome change.
Economic situation got you worried? Want Change?
Don't forget who is currently in charge! This is who is in charge now (in approximate order of importance for determining economic policy): U.S. House: Democrat U.S. Senate: Democrat President: Republican NC Senate: Democrat NC House: Democrat Governor: Democrat Lt. Governor: Democrat I can also recommend this eye-opening little history of the current economic crunch (in the form of a YouTube video).
These are my recommendations for the Nov. 4 election:
Presidential preference: McCain / Palin (R)![]()
McCain (R) Obama (D) ♦ Character & ideology: McCain is a moderate, and I am a conservative, so he was not my first choice. But he is level-headed and experienced, and a man of integrity, and he is clearly the best choice in this election. In contrast, Obama is the most extreme left-wing presidential nominee from a major party in American history. Perhaps worse, Obama is an habitual liar, even about easily refuted things (like what committee he's on), and even about very minor things. He even claimed to be a "constitutional law professor," when he was actually a mere lecturer. (Note Luke 16:10.) ♦ Babies: McCain opposes abortion except in rare circumstances, like rape. In contrast, Obama is an extreme promoter of abortion. Obama has said that he wants, as one of his first acts as President, to sign into law "FOCA," which is a bill to re-legalize the banned partial-birth abortion procedure, and to invalidate all State parental consent & notification laws, and all right-to-know/informed-consent laws. He even supported infanticide of babies who are accidentally born-alive during a botched abortion, though he has retreated from that position. (And he lies about this issue, too.) ♦ Commander-in-chief: In most areas, the President shares responsibility with other branches of government. But the President, alone, is Commander-In-Chief of the military. It is his most important job. In this area, Obama has almost no relevant experience, and McCain shines. That's probably why America's soldiers overwhelmingly prefer McCain over Obama - a Miltary Times poll put the McCain margin at 3-to-1. ♦ Veep: I am also very impressed by Sarah Palin. She's a sincere Christian, with a sharp mind and a heart for children. Despite being focused on State & local issues until a month before the debate, she still held her own in the debate with Biden, who had been studying and debating federal issues for 35 years. That's amazing! In fact, Biden made many more factual errors than Palin! Obviously Palin is a very quick study, and I think she's a terrific choice for the understudy/apprenticeship position which is the vice-presidency. U.S. Senate: Elizabeth Dole (R) Dole has been a steadfast supporter and sponsor of measures to reduce abortion, strengthen families, and promote traditional values. She was also one of a few Senators (along with McCain!) who tried to reform the regulation of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, a couple of years before the crisis that they precipitated. (The Democrats blocked passage of their bill, unfortunately.) US House District 2: Dan Mansell US House District 4: BJ Lawson US House District 13: Hugh Webster (Hugh is a personal friend of mine!) Governor: Pat McCrory (R) Liutenant Governor: Robert Pittenger (R) Attorney General: Bob Crumley (R) State Auditor: Les Merrit (R) Les is a personal friend of mine, and a wonderful Christian gentleman. Insurance Commissioner: John Odom (R) Agriculture Commissioner: Steve Troxler (R) Labor Commissioner: none I'm not one to let perfect be the enemy of good. I often support the "lesser of two evils." But, in this case, I simply cannot bring myself to vote for either Cherie Berry or Mary Donnan. Donnan is a very liberal Democrat. Berry is a close ally of Richard Morgan, and, when she was in the NCGA, she was the chief water-carrier for the abortion industry. Secretary of State: Jack Sawyer (R) Superintendent of Public Instruction: June Atkinson (D) The Republican nominee, Richard Morgan, is really a Republican in name only, with a horrible record of deceit, betrayal & corruption in the NC General Assembly. State Treasurer: Bill Daughtridge (R) I know the Democratic nominee, Janet Cowell. She is currently my State Senator. Though a liberal, she is a pleasant person to talk with. Unfortunately, you cannot trust her word. She made a promise to me (to co-sponsor redistricting reform), and then reneged. Wake Co. Register of Deeds: Laura Riddick Laura is terrific, and a personal friend of mine. Wake Co. Commissioner, District 4: Kenn Gardner Wake Co. Commissioner, District 5: Venita Peyton Wake Co. Commissioner, District 6: Larry Tilley NC Senate District 15: Neal Hunt (Neal is wonderful!) NC Senate District 16: Johnny Alexander NC Senate District 17: Richard Stevens (Richard is terrific!) NC House District 33: Paul Terrell NC House District 34: J.H. Ross NC House District 35: Eric Weaver (Eric is excellent!) NC House District 36: Nelson Dollar (Nelson does a wonderful job, and he's my good friend. He's twice introduced redistricting reform, which is one of my pet causes) NC House District 37: Paul "Skip" Stam (Skip is wonderful, and my good friend!) NC House District 39: Duane Cutlip NC House District 40: Marilyn Avila (Marilyn is wonderful, and my good friend, and an active member of my church!) NC House District 39: Bryan Gossage NC Supreme Court (Edmunds Seat): Bob Edmunds (Bob is my friend, and he's doing a wonderful job!) NC Court of Appeals (Stephens Seat): Dan Barrett (I've met Dan, and I'm very impressed) NC Court of Appeals (Wynn Seat): Jewel Ann Farlow (her opponent is very liberal) NC Court of Appeals (Arrowood Seat): Robert Hunter (his opponent is very liberal) NC Court of Appeals (McCullough Seat): Doug McCullough (Doug is doing an excellent job) Wake Co.: District Court (district 10): John Miller District Court (district 10): Walter B. Rand District Court (district 10): Anna Worley Johnston & Lee Co.: District Court (district 11): Gary Ragland District Court (district 11): Paul A. Holcombe Other judicial races: For party registration information for all 223 "non-partisan" judicial candidates in NC, see:
Sources for Additional Information:
Wake Co. voters can look up their voter registration info at: That will tell you your precinct number and districts. For a list of Wake Co. voting locations see: Wake Co. Board of Elections: Wake Co. Republican Party: Wake Co. Democratic Party: Judy Keener's Picks (Wake Coounty, NC): (Judy is my very wise & dear Christian friend) Called2Action: Family Policy Council of North Carolina: Faith2Action's detailed presidential voter guide: Marty McCaffrey's very thoughtful (and detailed) analysis of the Presidential race: Carmen Ledford's picks (Lee County, NC): (Carmen is my very wise & dear Christian friend) Katy's Conservative Corner: Wake County Taxpayers' Association: Old "Dave's Picks" recommendations, from previous elections, are here:
Dave Burton Cary, NC H: 919-481-0098 W: 919-481-2183 M: 919-244-3316 10/24/2008