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To: Friends of LifeTree
From: LifeTree
Date: September 5, 2002
Subject: "Pass it Along" regarding NC State Elections on September 10, 2002
We have been gathering some information on the candidates to help educate the friends of LifeTree about the upcoming elections. Please pass this information along to your friends, or they may visit us on the web at If you would like to receive legislative updates by email, send your email address to
First and foremost, as the election draws near we ask that you pray for a change in the approach to life issues by elected officials in North Carolina.
We have tried to collect information on each major candidate in the primary races. As part of that process, LifeTree sent a questionnaire to all candidates in early August, 2002. We also gathered information on some key votes, sponsorships of important bills, and other items of public record. We have tried to be as thorough and accurate as possible but apologize if there are any inaccuracies.
Information is presented district by district. You may want to cut and paste the races that pertain to your geographic area and omit the others.
This symbol [t] indicates endorsement by a pro-life PAC, which is evidence of opposition to abortion.
This symbol [n] indicates endorsement by (or contributions to) a "pro-choice" PAC, which is evidence of support for abortion.
This symbol [t] indicates other evidence of opposition to abortion, euthanasia, etc..
This symbol [n] indicates other evidence of support for abortion, euthanasia, etc..
We quote the following statements from three North Carolina political action committees (PACs).
I. From the web site of the North Carolina chapter of the National Organization for Women (NC NOW) to explain their purpose:
"We envision a world where patriarchal culture and male dominance no
longer oppress us or our earth" ... "We are committed to a feminist
ideology and reaffirm our historic commitment to gaining equality for
women, assuring safe, legal and accessible abortion and full reproductive
freedom" ... "NOW holds that access to safe and legal abortion, to effective
birth control, and to reproductive health and education are matters of life
and death, not mere matters of choice" ... "Through its political action
committee (PAC), North Carolina NOW endorses political candidates and
supports women and men who support our goals."
II. From a statement submitted by Lillian's List of North Carolina to the State Board of Elections to explain their purpose:
"We support pro-choice Democratic women for public office in North Carolina"
III. From the web site of the North Carolina
Right to Life (NCRTL) to explain their purpose:
"We support the legal protection of all innocent human life from
fertilization until natural death. We therefore oppose abortion,
infanticide and euthanasia."
(see [t]
SOME BILL HISTORY (North Carolina State Legislature):
--- In 2001, a record number of pro-life bills were introduced – eight in the House and three in the Senate. None of these bills were calendared for discussion by the committee chairs in either 2001 or 2002. However, there was a procedural vote in the NC House on the "Choose Life" License Plate bill in August, 2002 when Rep. Ellis (R-Wake) attempted to place this bill as an amendment to another license plate bill. His amendment failed. All of these bills were opposed by the abortion industry.
--- In 1999, several pro-life bills were introduced including Abortion Clinic Certification (H1063), which was a bill to upgrade the certification standards of abortion clinics, a Woman's Right to Know (Informed Consent) Bill (H1064), and two bills to Ban Partial Birth Abortions (S349 and H1066). Only the clinic certification bill was discussed in committee and all were held up in committee until the end of the biennium. All of these bills were opposed by the abortion industry.
--- In 1999, a bill (S90 and H103) to Mandate Coverage of Contraceptive Drugs and Devices (which act as abortificients at times) became law. This bill was supported by the abortion industry
--- In 1997, a Woman's Right to Know (Informed Consent) Bill (H536) and a bill to Ban Partial Birth Abortions (H303) passed the NC House, but both were held up in a Senate committee until the end of the biennium. The Senate introduced their own version of a Ban on Partial Birth Abortions (S536), which also died in committee. These bills were opposed by the abortion industry.
--- In 1995, a Parental Consent Bill (H481) passed both the House and the Senate. Parental Consent (S735) and Informed Consent (S734) bills were also introduced in the Senate but were held up in committee. Only H481 became law. These bills were designed to reduce the number of abortions in North Carolina. The bills were opposed by the abortion industry.
--- In 1993, a No Obstruction of Health Facilities Bill (S873), making it illegal to conspire to block access to facilities which perform abortions, became law. The bill created special legal obstacles for pro-life demonstrators, which do not apply to people protesting other issues. This bill was supported by the abortion industry.
LifeTree gathered information about several indicators of NC Legislative candidates' positions and record on abortion and related issues. They include:
Guide to the Questionnaire results:
Click here for the NC House: 2002_NC_House_Primary_candidates.html
Updated : Click here for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives: 2002_US_Congressional_Primary.html
Click here for the NC Senate: 2002_NC_Senate_Primary_candidates.html
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